
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pergamano ornaments

Good morning everyone.
I can't believe it is Thursday already. I hope you are all having a good week so far. Mine has been very busy as I have been preparing my Pregamano ornaments for a class this Saturday. I love doing takes a lot of time, but the end result is usually very rewarding.

These are 2 of the ornaments from a set of 4. They are done in two separate pieces and the they are pierced up the middle and fitted into each other for the 3D effect. The nice thing about these is that you can emboss and pierce them any way you want. With so many new piercing tools, the possibilities are endless. On the angel I used my regular grid and pierced the holes in her dress and then cut between the holes with my tiny pregamano scissors.
On the snowflake I embossed some areas and then used my diagonal grid to pierce the holes.
If you click on each pic you will get a better look at the piercing designs.

I hope you like them
Have a great day!



Anonymous said...

I'm new to the world of crafting so most of my days are spent surfing ( the web..not the waves ).My daughter and sister both are loyal scrappers and have begged me for yrs to join the fun. I happened upon your blog I believe last week with the snow flake/pergamano technique. I have never heard of this so I tell my daughter check this out, it's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I am determined to learn the technique. I always have to be different and I do love a challenge. may take me yrs. but that's ok.

Lauri said...

Your Pergamano is gorgeous! and a ton of time!!!! Another thing I should try, but not sure I have the patience!

Carolyn King said...

...picking jaw off ground....they are stunning! WOW...never heard of pergamano but i am going to look into it bc of you!

Sharon Traynor Designs said...

These are stunning Karen. I wish I could create things as beautiful as this. You must be so proud. I think your work is incredible.

Nikki Fairbairn said...

Your ornament are stunning Karen, You are so clever, Hugs, Nikki x

Rach said...

Wow karen this is jaw is dragging on the floor, it must take you an absolute age to make these beauties. hugs rachxx

Cindy Haffner said...

Wow so so beautiful.

Nancy said...

Oh my, Karen...these are so beautiful. You are so talented!

Theresa Momber said...

Wow, Karen, these are absolutely stunning!

Anonymous said...

Amazing creations Karen, so must have a lot of patience to make these.
Carole :-)

Joanne said...

Oh Karen, thy are BEAUTIFUL! So light and elegant... You did a fabulous job on them.

Curt in Indy said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, YOU ARE THE PERGAMANO Queen! These are jaw dropping gorgeous! Amazing! Best, Curt

Shirley said...

Absolutely beautiful on both! I think this technique is just gorgeous.

Amanda said...

Been surfing through the SCS galleries & saw these jaw-droppers! They are stunning! You have excecuted them perfectly. Your other parchment craft creations are just as beautiful.
Happy crafting!