
Sunday, January 4, 2009

High Hopes Challenge #12 and an Award

Good morning everyone;
I hope you all had a great weekend so far. We are expecting some bad weather today...freezing rain...yuck!! I hope the forcasters will be wrong again...cause I was hoping spring was on its way!! My card today has the feeling of that will just have to do for now.

This is my card for the HHC #12. Torn edge is the challenge.
I embossed the images with black and painted them with Tombows. I also added some stickles. I sponged the background with different inks and embossed it with clear powder. I was trying to do the backround like Theresa does hers...but as you can see I need a ton more Theresa is the queen of backgrounds. I tore the edges of the sentiment with my fancy ruler and punched the flower for the corner.

Hope you like it
Thanks for stopping by....
Have a great day!


I also received this award today from my friend Sharon. She is such a sweetheart to pass this along to me, I really appreciate it...Thank You so much Sharon.

I will be passing it along to 5 more blogging friends. A lot of you already have it, so here are my 5...



Nikki Fairbairn said...

Oh your card is beautiful Karen. I just love your colouring and the background looks fabulous! Hugs, Nikki x

Sharon Traynor Designs said...

Absolutely stunning! Your image is so perfect I could cry. A wonderful card.
Also, just to let you know, I have a little award for you on my blog.

Michelle said...

Wow, this is gorgeous ~~ I absolutely LOVE how you colored those little birdies!!! Have a great Sunday ~~ we got that freezing stuff last night ~ woke up to a skating rink ~~ ugh!!

Jamie Martin said...

Such a cute card and wow the coloring is amazing!

Kraftin' Kimmie said...

Wow, that was fast! Gorgeous colouring, Karen!

Rach said...

wow!!! love it more like. this is gorgoeus, love how you created your background. a stunning card.hugs rachxx

Cindy Haffner said...

Oh my how cute are these!

Theresa Momber said...

Karen, this is fabulous! I love the background and the bit of sparkle. As usual you coloring is phenomenal!

Thank you so much for the award. You are so, so sweet to think of me.

Jeni Glee said...

Hi Karen,

This card is just so darling but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the one you sent me while I was away...what a treasure it is to me to own one of your creations!!! Thank you, my great friend, you are so dear to me.

Love, Glee

Tasha said...

Your card is stunning Karen and congratulations on the award. Thank you so much for the award, its very much apprecited and a really ice thing to receive at the end of a bad day lol
love tasha xx

Anonymous said...

The card is absolutely beautiful. You should be making major bucks with your talent. Everytime you post something new I sit here stunned for a bit. As for the award...I am so unworthy..even clicked on the name to see if it really was pinching myself!!! I thank you for your visits, your encouragement, your inspiration, and most of all your friendship.

Nicole Verkooijen said...

Your Card is beautifull karin, my compliments on it, you did a fabulous job on the coloring, I Like it a lot !!! Greetings Nicole

Crissy Armstrong said...

Karen! I do love the birdies with a bit of pink on their tummies and cheeks!! Awesome coloring! I also love the highlights on each leaf, wow, you took your time with this and it really paid off!~ Gorgeous background too, you're a pro!!

queenjolene99 said...
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queenjolene99 said...

Very cute card! I love all the colors!! I hear ya, I think I am ready for spring as well...unfortunately, we have some time to wait...oh well, more time in the craft room, lol.

Carolyn King said...

totally gorgeous coloring and card! Great job!

Shirley said...

Your card is fabulous! Your award is so deserved. Congrats and hats off to a wonderful year!!

Eija said...

Lovely card! I like the bright colors, they remind me of the spring in the middle of the worst winter here in Finland :)

Curt in Indy said...

What are you talking about???? That background is beautiful. This card is super cute, and the coloring on it (as usual) is superior! Love it! Best, Curt

Sherri said...

More practice? What?? That card is fantastic!! WOW

Ila said...

This is Beautiful Karen!! I love your coloring and I think the background is Fabulous!!...Hugs, Ila

Sirpaliina said...

So beautiful card.

Tina said...

Ohhhh i love your card, i just think those bird are adorable, i just ordered mine to.... beautiful colours and a beautiful card.. wishing you a very happy healthy and creative 2009 Crafty Hugs Tina xx

Mindy said...

Your card is precious. Your coloring is gorgeous. Love those little birds!

angeljakki said...

what a lovely card and your colouring is awesome x x x

Andrea said...

So beautiful!