
Friday, May 22, 2009

Penny Black Saturday Challenge #49

Hi Everyone;
Sorry for not visiting your blogs much this week as I have been having some computer problems. I think they are cleared up now, so I hope to do some blog stalking tonight.

I made this card for the Penny Black Saturday Challenge #49. The challenge this week is a recipe= 3 flowers, 2 papers and 1 brad/charm.

I am also able to use this card for the One Stop Craft Challenge, which is "Pink and Brown" and A Spoon Full of Sugar Challenge #52 which is "Celebration".....I'm getting pretty good at this, eh!!

The images are from Penny Black.
I embossed the images with black and painted them with Tombows. I used my nesties for the frame and EK Success border punches. The papers are from a DCWV paper stack. The flowers are punched and layered. I also used some stickles.

I hope you like it...

If you care to read on, I have some info on my computer issues.
I am going to try to explain what happened as I see that a few others are having problems too. My pc had been going slower and slower over the last few days. The other day when I clicked on a few of my favorite blogs it kept trying to load and then a sign would come up and say "operation aborted". So because I am soooo computer challenged I went off with my tower to my computer dude. I use microsoft windows and from what I understand when microsoft automatically updated to series 3
(I think that is what it is called) it confilcted with blogger and is having a hard time loading programs. So he downloaded Fire Fox and I could hardly believe how fast it is going now. It also seemed to clear up a multitude of problems. I am hoping this is what was wrong, as my computer crashed a year or so ago and I thought maybe it was happening again. I have my fingers crossed, I would hate to lose everything again!!

Have a great day and Thanks for stopping by...


Joey said...

Hi Karen, fabulous card, love your colour choice. Joey.x

Theresa Momber said...

Gorgeous! Love your cute little hedgehog!

Cindy Haffner said...

Super cute, love thoe colors, awesome coloring. Hugs Cindy xxoo

Anonymous said...

Love the card. Those colors just pop out at you. I've been having computer problems also..bought a new pc but still IE is not co-operating. Maybe I need to look at Firefox.

Kelly Schelske said...

Super cute card Karen!

Thanks for sharing your computer problems...I have a brand new computer but keep getting the same message here and there...I'm going to download FireFox right now:-)

Hugs, Kelly

Riet said...

What a gorgeous card Karen,l love the image and colours.

Hugs Riet.x

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card Karen, Love Sue x

Stampin' Meg said...

Hi Karen-I sure hope that you get your computer issues worked out soon-I love your blog!

Kath Stewart said...

gorgeous card the papers...the gorgeous flowers and your super cute kitty.......thanks for joining in the fun this week at PBSC....hugs Kath xxxxx
I had a problem a few weeks ago...could upload pics on Blogger...downloaded Firefox and what a difference.

Tab said...

oooh fabulous hun, love the sweet image and the delish papers!

I moved over to Fire Fox, a bit agoits so much better!
Hugs Tab xxx

Pauline C said...

Great card Karen - love your image and flowers. Thanks for joining in the PBSC this week.
Pauline x

Beth said...

I love this! The colours are so fab and I love the combination of the two stamps! Thanks for joining the PB challenge this week!
Beth xx

Tasha said...

Wow awesome card Karen, loving the colours and the cute image - fab use of punch too
love tasha xx

Diane said...

Jedi Master, This card is beautiful, I love the colours in it. Thanks for sharing yet another master piece!

Michelle said...

Oh, gosh, Karen....that's what's been happening with me when I've been trying to read blogs!! I get that same message! I use Firefox for everything....except I have all my blog feeds on IE & haven't taken the time to figure out how to move I still use IE for blog hopping. I was getting so frustrated...I thought it was my computer. Thanks for sharing that info!!

Love your card....cute image & your papers are gorgeous!

Sharon Traynor Designs said...

This is so cute Karen. Love the PB image. So sorry it has taken me so long to comment on this - well you know the reason why. However, thanks for joining the One Stop Craft Challenge.
Sharon xx

Shirley said...

Talk about beautiful and cute at the same time. Wow!

maiju said...

Your card is really splendid.